Monday, May 30, 2011


A class is a series of components and instruction which are used to create objects. Classes contain constants and variables so the objects which are created are similar but able to have variation. When creating the objects the constant components are parts of the code which never change, and the variables are the components which allow the object to have difference.

For example the constant when build a bicycle are always having two wheels and handle bars and the variables are things such as the colour and speed. Each even though when building bikes they can look different and travel at different speeds they are still all bicycles.

With my project I have demonstrated this by creating a pattern generator which can then be used to create real world objects. The generator is like the class. It uses constants and variables to create coasters which are in essence all the same but varied to make each one unique. The pattern generator (class) uses a geometric pattern (constant) as a base to create a different organic design (variable). Each pattern produced is different and is then laser cut to produce unique coasters (objects).

They even work as coasters


So it turns out each one of these coasters takes between 8 and 12 minutes to laser cut because of the complex engraving. I only was able to get an hour of laser cutting time so this is why I have created a set a of 5. Each one is different and I tried to use a range of different engraving to show the variety which can be achieved.

Ready for Laser Cutting

Here are some coasters ready for laser cutting. The red lines are cut lines and the black are engrave lines. The area where the lines are generated from was really dense and would take for ever to engrave so I decided to cut the geometric pattern out to save time and and money.

Also after talking to Luke I decided to make the corners of the coasters round because it automatically makes them look more coaster like.

Pattern Generator

Final Geometric Pattern

I have decided to use this as the base pattern for my coasters. I think when I put it in the pattern generator it will create a range of interesting patterns.

Looking at Geometry

Exploring different geometric patterns to use as the base of my coasters