Tuesday, April 26, 2011

After the Presentation

based on the comments I got received during my presentation I have decided not to do any further development on my transformation. I am happy with the way it has turned out and think further tweaking is unnecessary

Wednesday, April 13, 2011



This is my final interaction. I tried experimenting with colour but thought because of the amount of dots and movement it was overwhelming and unnecessary. I am happy with the way the sound and visual interact with the mouse and think it is good example of transformation.

Yes more development

Development Six

As you get deeper into space there are more stars and more spaceships.

I now want to work on the colour scheme and transparentness to make it more space like but still keep it abstract


In the original code the bleeps were formed by a line moving across the screen and making a noise the they passed over a line that had been drawn. I changed the line to a dot and when it pass a dot that has been drawn lots of dotted lines appear around it like is is sending a signal. I think this look is in keeping with the idea of outer space, like the dot is a little space ship travelling through the universe sending out messages to other space ships.

The development continues

Development Six

The build up of dots and patterns formed remind me of outer space and millions of stars. I want to try using this idea of space to better integrate the bleeps that are created when you click.

Adding Sound

Development Five

Adding sound and visuals together. I need to edited the volume and pitch of the noise. I want to try making it so when you click and new visual element and sound will be generated

Helpful code

The pieces of code both have sound elements that I think will be useful for creating my sound code. I think this is a good starting point because I don't really have any idea how to generate sound and by dissecting and analysing these bits of code I will be able to better understand how to use it.




Progression of Imagery

Development One

Development Two

Development Three

Development Four

Monday, April 11, 2011



Attempting Transformation


This is just and example of me playing around with interaction and 3D to see what patterns I could create and make myself more familar with it.

Sound waves

For my transformation interaction I want to try using the way sound waves combine visually and audibly to form different visual patterns and sounds

Another example of interactive transformation. I really like the use of the dots and the way the mouse controlls what is happening through clicking and moving.

Examples of Transformation


I think this is a really good example of interactive transformation. I found it really usefull for understanding 3D and rotation and would like to bring these into my interaction.



change in form, appearance, nature, or character.